
LLA Lecture 6/12

Having watched The Corporation, I had been losing faith in human beings in general. My recent image of the world was that humans worked only for their profit, thinking of money alone, not caring of the effects on other people both physically and mentally. So todays lecture was a breath of fresh air.

The documentaries we have been watching in the past several weeks, only made me think that humans had lost morality altogether. The Corporation convinced me that CEOs care about profit, not the moral aspects needed when developing a factory.  I have felt that the future is dark, that there is no hope of a clean and moral world. Therefore, the contradictory content of todays lecture was thought provoking.

During the discussions in class, I usually ran away with the phrase "morally speaking, it's wrong, but the CEOs aren't going to change their standards." I still think it is true that the corporations would put their profits on the line to be 'just.' However, when perceiving the human species as moving toward a more diverse future, acknowledging a 'bigger circle' of people, I was provoked to think more in-depth of the problems in the world today.

As a child, I always believed that little people could change the world, that nobodies had a chance to create a movement, simply put, I was an idealist. Yet as I grew older, I became more cynical, thinking that      even CEOs or government officials would not be able to change the immoral system. I thought I was thinking realistically, and that I should live my life, and help those close to me alone. But the lecture made me feel that there are people in the world who are trying to change the unjust society, and that it tis not fair  that they are doing all the work, and I am simply witnessing it. The discussion questions in class involved a broad range of topics, so it was difficult to have a clear answer,  so I am not sure of the actions we can take in order to change the system. I guess we all need to go think back on the stages when we were naive, but pure so as to think clearly for a moral future.

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